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2023-06-21 18:46:50
本内容由小编为大家分享关于招生简章、录取分数、报名考试、志愿填报等教育信息。高考阅读理解专项练习   阅读能力是高考英语考试重点考察的能力,需要考生平时多做练习才能提高英语阅读能力。下面小编为大家带来高考阅读理解专项练习,欢迎考生阅读练习。





  One should be moderate(适度) in all things. Moderation is always the safest way to do thingsand a virtue(品质)we should have. Let's take the student life for example. There are somestudents who study too hard and play too little, while there are others who play too much andstudy too little. On one hand, it is harmful to his health if he has too few exercises, and on theother hand, it is harmful to his mind if he plays too much.

  In the matter of eating, one also should be moderate. Do not eat too much or too little. Toomuch eating will make you sick, while too little eating will make you weak.

  The man of progress is he who neither has too high an opinion of himself nor thinks too poorlyof himself. If a man thinks too highly of himself, he is sure to become very proud, but if he hastoo poor an opinion of himself, he will have no courage to make an advance. Both the conditionsabove will make you lose your advancing aim. A broadminded man is he who always moveswithin the orbit (轨道)of reasonableness. Whether in any activities in life, moderation is oneof the best ways to enjoy real happiness.


  1.Someone is moderate means ______ .

  A.he walks neither too fast nor too slowly

  B.he has good characters and good ways to do things

  C.he is not only safe but also successful

  D.he is either tall or short

  2.The writer suggests that a student should ______ .

  A.have much more time to study than to play

  B.spend most of the time playing different games

  C.only study hard without any time to play

  D.correctly arrange (安排)his time for study and play

  3. Moderate eating means ______ .

  A.eating as much food as one can if the food is tasty B.eating food rich of fat

  C.eating a proper amount of food D.eating either too much or too little

  4.If one wants to be broad-minded, he must ______ .

  A.believe in himself

  B.be full of courage

  C.enjoy real happiness

  D.do everything that is reasonable







