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2024-04-26 04:41:27
本内容由小编为大家分享关于高校招生简章、录取分数、报名考试、志愿填报、大学院校排名等教育信息。   例:This is the house where he lived last year. 这就是他去年住过的房子。   (2) where


  例:This is the house where he lived last year. 这就是他去年住过的房子。

  (2) where 引导的状语从句

  例:Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。

  He left his key where he could find.他将钥匙放在易找到的地方。

  I will go where I want to go.我要去我想去的地方。

  (3) where 引导的表语从句

  例:This is where you are wrong. 这正是你错的地方。

  注:引导状语从句的where= 介词+the place where (定语从句)

  例:Go where(ver) you are most needed.到最需要你的地方去。


  (1) before sb can/ could … 某人还没来得及......

  例:Before I could get in a word ,he had measured me.


  (2) It will be +时间+ before + 还有多长时间......

  例:It will be 4 years before he graduates. 他还有四年时间变毕业了。

  (3) had done some time before (才......)

  例:We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land.


  (4) had not done --- before --- 不到......就......

  例:We hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired.


  (5) It was not +一段时间+ before 不多久就......

  例:It wasn’t two years before he left the country.



  (1) wish that sb did sth 希望某人现在做某事

  例:I wish I were as strong as you. 我希望和你一样强壮。

  (2) wish that sb had done sth 希望某人过去做某事

  例: I wish you had told me earlier 要是你早点告诉我就好了。

  (3) wish that sb would/could do sth 希望某人将来做某事

  例:I wish you would succeed this time. 我希望你这次会成功。


  (1) too...to do sth.

  例:Politics is too important to be left to the politicians.

  (=Politics is so important that it can't be left to the politicians.)


  (2) only too --- to do sth

  例:I shall be only too pleased to get home. 我要回到家里就非常高兴。

  (3) too + adj + for sth

  例:These shoes are much too small for me. 我穿这双鞋太小了。

  (4) too + adj + a + n.

  例:This is too difficult a text for me. 这篇课文对我来说太难了。

  (5) can't … too +形容词 无论......也不为过

  例:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.



