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2024-04-30 14:54:09
本内容由小编为大家分享关于招生简章、录取分数、报名考试、志愿填报、大学院校排名等教育信息.高考英语hand的常用短语高考英语hand的常用短语英语中短语词组是语言的重要组成部分,它结构灵活语义丰富,对我们学好英语十分重要。下面学习啦小编为大家带来高考英语hand的常用短语,欢迎各位考生记忆背诵。 高考英语hand的常





1 . at hand


He lives close at hand. 他就住在附近。

I always keep a dictionary at hand. 我经常把字典放在手边。


The examinations are near at hand. 考试即将来临。

2 . by hand


The letter was written by hand. 这封信是用手写的。

My shoes were made by hand. 我的鞋是手工做的。


Did the letter come by hand or through the post? 这封信是专人送来的还是邮寄来的?

3 . give [lend ] sb a hand 帮某人一把。如:

It’s really heavy--can you give [lend] me a hand? 这东西确实很重,能帮一下忙吗?

4 . hand in hand


They walked down the street hand in hand. 他们手拉手沿街道走去。


War and suffering go in hand and hand. 战争与苦难是同时并存的。

5 . in hand


I still have some money in hand. 我手头还有些钱。

控制,处理,进行。如: / 8)

The work is in hand and will soon be completed. 工作正在进行中,不久就可完成。

Give them a call and let them know we have the matter in hand. 给他们打个*,告诉他们我们已控制了局势。

6 . on hand 在手边。如:

I still have some money on hand. 我手头还有些钱。

She always has her dictionary on hand when she studies. 他学习时总是把词典放在手边。

注:这样用的 on 有时与 at hand 或 in hand 同义。

7 . on the one hand 一方面。如:

On the one hand this job doesn’t pay very much, but on the other I can’t get another one. 从一方面来说这份工作工资不高,但另一方面我又找不到另外的工作。

8 . hands up 举手,举起手来。如:

Hands up, those who know the answer. 知道答案的请举手。

Hands up and drop your arm. 举起手来,把枪放下。


Put up your hand if you have any questions. 有问题请举手。

9 . with one ’s hand 用手。如:

We work with our hands. 我们用手工作。

He stroke the child with his hand. 他用手打这个小孩。

10 . hand sb sth / hand sth to sb 把某物递给某人。如:

Hand me the key, please. 请把钥匙递给我。

He handed her a letter. 他交给她一封信。

Please hand me the dictionary. / Please hand the dictionary to me. 请把字典递给我。

11 . hand in 交来,交上去。如:

Hand in your examination papers now, please. 现在请把考卷交上来。

Someone handed this parcel in this morning. 今天早上一个人把这个包交了上来。

12 . hand on 传递给另一个人。如:

Please read this notice and hand it on. 本通知看后请传阅。

Please hand on the magazine to your friends. 请把这本杂志传给你的朋友看。

13 . hand out 散发,分发。如:

The teacher handed out the examination papers. 老师分发试卷。

Will you help me to hand out the leaflets at the meeting? 请你在会上帮我把这些传单发给大家好吗?

14 . hand over 移交,拿给。如:

He has handed over his business to his son. 他已把他的生意移交给他儿子。

The thief was handed over to the police. 这个小偷已经送交派出所了。

15 . shake hands 握手。如:

They shook hands and entered the hall. 他们握了手然后就进了大厅。

He shook hands warmly with me. 他同我热情握手。

注:有时也说 shake one’s hand。如:

He shook my hand warmly. 他同我热情握手。






Most of us know about the Nobel Prize, especially theNobel Peace Prize, but few of us know anything aboutthe man who set them up. His name was AlfredNobel. He was a great scientist and inventor himself.Besides, he had a big business. His business maysurprise you. He made and sold explosives. Hiscompanies even made and sold weapons. Isn’t thissomething that surprises you? The man who mademoney from weapons should set up the Peace Prize?

Though Alfred Nobel had a lot of money from weapons, he hated war. He hoped that therewould be no war in the world. He was one of the richest in Europe. When he died in 1896, heleft behind him a lot of money and his famous will. According to his will, most of his money wasplaced in a fund. He wanted the interest from the fund to be used as prizes every year. Weknow them as the Nobel Prizes. The Nobel Prizes are international. Alfred Nobel wanted thewinners to be chosen for their work, not the country they came from.

Alfred Nobel had given his whole life to his studies and work and to the benefits of mankind. Hemade money all by his own efforts, but he left the world share his wealth. His inventions andwealth stay with the world for ever.

1. Alfred’s business was _____.

A. making and selling explosives B. not making and selling weapons

C. making explosives and selling weapons D. making weapons and selling explosives

2. Nobel wanted to set up the Nobel Peace Prize because _____.

A. he made enough money

B. he hated war

C. he wanted to get more interest from the fund

D. he liked to live in a peaceful world

3. Nobel Prizes come from _____.

A. all Nobel’s money in the fund

B. all Nobel’s money in his company

C. all the interest from the fund

D. some of the interest in the fund

4. Nobel was a (an) _____ person in the world.

A. interesting B. unselfish C. kind-hearted D. richest

5. Which statement of the following is Right according to the passage?

A. Nobel set up his company to sell clothes.

B. Most of Nobel’s money was used for the world Wars.

C. Nobel Prizes are only for some people from some special countries.

D. Nobel worked hard in his life and saved lots of money for the world to share.








One should be moderate(适度) in all things.Moderation is always the safest way to do things anda virtue(品质)we should have. Let's take the studentlife for example. There are some students who studytoo hard and play too little, while there are otherswho play too much and study too little. On one hand,it is harmful to his health if he has too few exercises,and on the other hand, it is harmful to his mind if heplays too much.

In the matter of eating, one also should be moderate. Do not eat too much or too little. Toomuch eating will make you sick, while too little eating will make you weak.

The man of progress is he who neither has too high an opinion of himself nor thinks too poorlyof himself. If a man thinks too highly of himself, he is sure to become very proud, but if he hastoo poor an opinion of himself, he will have no courage to make an advance. Both the conditionsabove will make you lose your advancing aim. A broadminded man is he who always moveswithin the orbit (轨道)of reasonableness. Whether in any activities in life, moderation is oneof the best ways to enjoy real happiness.

1.Someone is moderate means ______ .

A.he walks neither too fast nor too slowly

B.he has good characters and good ways to do things

C.he is not only safe but also successful

D.he is either tall or short

2.The writer suggests that a student should ______ .

A.have much more time to study than to play

B.spend most of the time playing different games

C.only study hard without any time to play

D.correctly arrange (安排)his time for study and play

3. Moderate eating means ______ .

A.eating as much food as one can if the food is tasty B.eating food rich of fat

C.eating a proper amount of food D.eating either too much or too little

4.If one wants to be broad-minded, he must ______ .

A.believe in himself

B.be full of courage

C.enjoy real happiness

D.do everything that is reasonable








