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2024-04-30 14:58:07
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Harry is eighteen now. He studies in a middle school. His parents like him very much and hope he can become a famous man. So they often tell him to study hard and they do all for him. They call him at six in the morning, after breakfast his father takes him to school in a car and in the afternoon, as soon as the young man comes back, the supper is ready. Of course, he never washes his clothes or goes to buy something in the shops.

Once Harry's father was sent to London on business. He would stay there for half a year. Leaving, he told his wife to take good care of their son. The woman had to get up earlier and did all what her husband did before. And two months later she was so tired that she was ill in bed. Now the young man got into trouble. He couldn't do any housework. He had to do as his mother told him. Even he didn't know where to get on the bus!

Yesterday Harry's mother found his shoes were worn out and told him to buy a new pair in the shop. But he didn't know how to choose. The woman had a sigh and gave him a shoe pattern(鞋样) and told him to buy a pair of shoes himself. It's Saturday today and Harry doesn't go to school. With a policeman's help, he found a shop. The shopkeeper was friendly to him. The man brought a lot of shoes and asked him to choose. When he was trying on a pair, suddenly he remembered something and took them off. The man was surprised and asked, "What's the matter, young man?"


"I'm sorry, I've left the shoe pattern at home!"

1. _______ always does some housework in the morning.

A. Harry's father B. Harry's mother C. Harry D. Nobody

2. Harry's parents do all instead of him because _______.

A. he's too young B. he has poor health

C. he's busy with his studies D. they hope he spends all time on studies

4. In fact, _______.

A. Harry wanted his mother to buy shoes for him

B. Harry didn't believe himself

C. Harry wouldn't listen to his mother

D. Harry was strong enough to buy shoes for himself



1. A。细节题。根据 The woman had to get up earlier and did all what her husband did before 可以推断以前是她的丈夫做这些事的,因此应该选择 A。

2. D。细节题。根据 So they often tell him to study hard and they do all for him可知答案为D。

3. A。推断题。根据第2段第1句话 Once Harry's father was sent to London on business. He would stay there for half a year 可知答案为 A。

4. B。细节题。根据第2段最后一句 Even he didn't know where go get on the bus 可知答案为 B。

5. C。细节题。根据 And two months later she was so tired that she was ill in bed可知答案为 C。

6. B。推断题。Harry 亲自去*鞋子,却不知道自己试一试,他不相信自己的脚却只相信鞋样,因此应该选择 B。

高考英语阅读理解试题解析相关 高考英语语法知识点汇总




— Do you see those people on the little sandy island?

— Yes, they _______ handkerchiefs for the last half hour. I wonder why.

A. were waving B. waved

C. had waved D. have been waving



【详细解析】这个挥手帕的动作是在半小时前开始的,然后一直在挥,一直挥到了说话的这个时候,所以我们用现在完成进行时强调一个动作的持续。A选项为过去进行时,B选项为一般过去时,C选项为过去完成时,这三个时态都是和过去有关,和现在无关。题干中出现last或者是last half hour,recent等这类词的话,我们一般都会选择现在完成进行时。故本题正确答案是D。


The information could be helpful to ____ will take over the job.

A. those B. who

C. whoever D. anyone



【详细解析】名词性从句包括主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。此题考的就是介词to后的宾语从句,whoever在从句中作主语。A、D两个选项需要在后面加上who;B选项是who在名词性从句中表示疑问,e.g. Who will take over the job has not been decided yet. 故本题正确答案是C。


— David, we went to Lake Geneva for the weekend.

— That _______ a very nice change. I wish I had gone there.

A. must be B. must have been

C. could be D. could have been



【详细解析】must表推测,“肯定......”,must be表示对现在和将来事实的推测;must have been表示对过去事实的推测。这里表示一个肯定的推测,又因为是上个周末的事情,说明这件事情已经发生了,故选B;C选项could“可能”,表示轻微的怀疑或委婉的陈述看法,e.g. His story could be true, but I hardly think it is.他所说的这个故事可能是真的,但是我基本上不相信;D选项could have done是虚拟语气,表示“过去本能够做某事却未做”,e.g. You could have done better, but you didn’t try your best.你原本是可以做的更好的,但是你并没有尽自己最大的努力。


Knowledge begins to increase as soon as one individual communicates his ideas to _______ by means of speech.

A. other B. another

C. the other D. an other



【详细解析】other用作代词时,意为“另一个;其他的人(东西)”,不单独使用:the other,the others,others;another用作代词时,表示没有具体所指的“另外一个”。e.g. One person may like fishing, while another may prefer hunting.一个人可能是喜欢钓鱼,而另一个可能喜欢打猎;the other表示“两者中的另一个”,表示特指;D选项没有这种用法。故本题正确答案是B。


Almost every one of the graduates wants to deliver the keynote speech at the graduation ceremony. For the speaker, _______ is an honour.

A. invited B. being invited

C. be invited D. inviting



【详细解析】A选项invited是过去分词不能充当主语;C选项be invited不是非谓语形式;D选项语态错误,应该用被动。故本题正确答案是B。遇到动词要考虑四点:① 先判断是谓语还是非谓语;② 主语;③ 主语和非谓语动词的主/被动关系;④ 非谓语动词与谓语动词的时间关系。e.g. Being exposed to the sun for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.在太阳下暴露太久对皮肤有害。e.g. The girl’s being educated in a good environment is what her parents have expected.这个女孩在一个良好的环境中受到教育是她父母所期望的。


Today’s college is appropriate as a setting for a society _____ its members must acquire and manage knowledge from a wide variety of sources.

A. which B. so that

C. where D. of which



【详细解析】本题考查关系副词where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词college,where在定语从句中作地点状语。A选项which是一个关系代词,只能充当主语或宾语;B选项so that“为了......”,引导目的状语从句,在这里逻辑不对;D选项of which是“介词+关系代词”结构,先行词college放到定语从句中,应该是说“in the college”,所以这个介词应该用in。故正确答案为C。


When problems such as energy crisis, pollution and population explosion _____, people are asked to share the bitterness and endure the hardship.

A. are arisen B. arise

C. arising D. arisen





They didn’t want to admit to any shortage of food _____ it might reveal a weakness to be exploited by their enemies.

A. in order that B. or else

C. but for D. for fear that



【详细解析】A项in order that引导目的状语从句;B项or else“否则”在此处用句意不通;C项but for表示“如果没有,要不是”,它往往用在虚拟语气中;D项for fear that也引导目的状语从句,但它表示“生怕某种不好的事会发生”。e.g. Shut the window for fear that it may rain.把窗关起来,以防下雨。根据句意可知,他们不愿意承认食物短缺,是因为他们害怕被敌人知道,然后利用他们的这个缺点。故正确答案为D。


Without solutions _____ the gap between the rich and the poor, there can be no “harmonious society”.

A. of B. for

C. to D. on



【详细解析】solution to…“解决......的方法”,为固定搭配,故正确答案为C。接下来我们就来看一下还有哪些名词后面跟介词to。

【access】have access to有通道/有使用/有见到(某人/某物的机会或权利)

【answer】answer to对......的回答

【approach】approach to sth./ approach to doing sth.做某件事情的方法

【attitude】attitude to sth.对待......的态度

【contribution】make contributions to sth.对......做出贡献

【damage】do damage to sth.对......造成损坏、破坏

【devotion】devotion to sth.对......的奉献

【entrance】entrance to某地方的一个入口

【introduction】introduction to sth.对......的介绍

【limit】the limit to sth.对......的一个限度/限制

【objection】the objection to对......的反对

【reaction】reaction to sth.对......东西的反应

【response】response to sb./sth.对......人(或物)的回答/回复


— _____ five hundred dollars a big sum to a Chinese family?

— I’m afraid not.

A. Is B. Are C. Were D. Will be



【详细解析】表示金钱、价格、时间、长度等复数名词、词组作主语时,一般被看作是一个整体,谓语动词常用单数形式;另外题中说到a big sum“一大笔钱”,说明它把500美金这个复数的概念是当作一个整体去理解的,这也给了我们启示。故正确答案为A。 看过“高考英语语法知识点汇总”


