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2024-07-11 09:14:41




985和 211大学 是所有高考生梦寐以求的大学,想要考上这些大学,各科成绩至少需要多少分呢?语文成绩不低于115分,数学成绩不低于125分,英语成绩不低于130分, 理综 和理综不低于230分。

如果高考按照正常难度出题的话,600分就是一个 分水岭 。600分以上的分数算得上好分数,也可以有选择大学的权利。高考就是这样残酷,分数高,就是你选大学。分数低,就是大学选你。





实际上不是这样的,一轮复习是最重要的。如果我们把学习比喻成盖房子,那么基础知识就等于地基。如果地基都打不好,房子怎么会盖得稳呢? 高考招生网








Welcome, fellow students, to the fascinating realm of prestigious Chinese universities. Have you ever wondered how to communicate the esteemed 985 and 211 designations to your international friends? Let's delve into the nuances of these esteemed academic labels.

Firstly, it's essential to clarify that 985 and 211 are Chinese university classifications, often misunderstood by non-Chinese speakers. To accurately convey the concept, here's the official translation:

Project 211: Initiated by the Ministry of Education of China in 1995, this project encompasses National Key Universities, a select group of institutions recognized for their academic excellence.

Alternatively, you can refer to them as:

211/985 universities: National Key Universities, or in the context of world-class education, as world-class universities and first-class disciplines .

The most recent development in Chinese higher education is the "Double First-Class" initiative, which was announced in September 2017. This program selects universities and disciplines for comprehensive development into global powerhouses:

Double First-Class: A comprehensive plan aimed at fostering world-class universities ( world-class universities ) and elite disciplines ( first-class disciplines ), with a dynamic selection process involving competitive selection, expert evaluation, government assessment, and periodic screening.

Now, let's address the nomenclature for undergraduate degrees:

First batch of undergraduate: Refers to the top tier of universities, often considered as "elite" or "Ivy League" institutions. Second batch of undergraduate: These are typically strong, mid-tier universities. Third batch of undergraduate: Generally, these are regional or provincial institutions.

For a more straightforward translation of "专科" or vocational education, it can be expressed as three-year college education , reflecting its practical focus.

When it comes to higher vocational schools, often abbreviated as "高职" in China, they are specialized institutions offering:

Polytechnic Colleges: Focused on high-quality technical training for skilled professionals. Higher Vocational Schools/Colleges: Another widely used term for these institutions that enroll over 3 million students annually, according to the Ministry of Education.

For those seeking more engaging content on English language learning, be sure to follow the 撩英语 ( ID: liaoyy7 ) on WeChat for insightful articles and updates.

Remember, clear communication is key when navigating these prestigious academic labels, and understanding their translations will undoubtedly enhance your interactions with international peers.




标签: 英语 大学