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2023-06-21 17:44:12
本内容由小编为大家分享关于招生简章、录取分数、报名考试、志愿填报等教育信息。高考英语语法:语态详解  1、含有被动意义的主动动词   sell wash write read   The new type (of ) TV receiver



  1、含有被动意义的主动动词   sell wash write read   The new type (of ) TV receiver sells well.   This book reads interesting.   The pen writes quite smoothly.   This (kind of) cloth washes very well.   This cloth is washed. (洗好了)   2、常用被动结构的动词   be born be married be obliged be hurt   be caught in the rain be covered with   I was caught in the rain on the way back.   3、主动表示被动的情况   ①知觉动词 + adj.   The material feels very soft.   The music sounds too loud.   ②非谓语动词   A. need want require be worth   Your coat wants mending ( to be mended).   B. Subj. + be + adj. + to do (vt.)   The chair is comfortable to sit on   ★ be to blame (该受责备)   C. There be   There are six letters to write (to be written).   ③ prove  -vi.  (被)证明是   He will prove (to be) the winner.   4、get + p. p.   She got caught in the rain.   From then on, her leg got treated four times a day.   5、(人)+ be + 情感动词-ed   be surprised (astonished, etc. ) at (with ….)   His words astonished everyone in the room.   → Everyone was astonished at his words.   be delighted at (with); be pleased at (by, with );   be tired of (from); be satisfied with;   be worried about; be interested in;   be frightened ( terrified) at   6、自动和它动   很多动词既可以用vt. 又可以用vi, 但要注意:   The door opened ( by itself). The door was opened.   The villagesince we last visited it.   A. has changed   B. has been changed (A)   The planned has been changed.   7、被动语态 + by (with) + 行为主体   by 后接人或物做某事   with 后接手段、方式、工具   He was killed by a falling stone   He was killed with a knife.   8、注意下列被动形式   ①be being done   ② have been done   ③ be going to be   The bridge is said to be being built.   The bridge is said to have been built.


