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2023-06-21 17:54:01
本内容由小编为大家分享关于招生简章、录取分数、报名考试、志愿填报等教育信息。书面表达的写作指导·图画式  1. 看懂图片,确定内容   写图画式书面表达时,同学们首先要看懂图画内容,同时还要分清哪些是主要内容,哪些是次要内容;哪些内容是必须



  1. 看懂图片,确定内容   写图画式书面表达时,同学们首先要看懂图画内容,同时还要分清哪些是主要内容,哪些是次要内容;哪些内容是必须要写的,哪些内容是可写可不写的,哪些内容是不能写的。在看图时还要注意,图中有些内容是作陪衬用的,有的内容是作暗示用的,有些上文出现的内容要与下文的内容相衔接,有些下文出现的内容需在前面作铺垫,总之,所写内容既要符合图画所描绘的情景,又要连贯通顺,自圆其说。   2. 根据内容,概括要点   通过看图,确定写作内容后,还要进一步将所写内容概括成“要点”,以便为后面的写作确定框架。在具体概括要点时,既要照顾全文的情节,也要照顾每幅图的内容,原则上说每幅图都有要点体现。   3. 依据要点,写句成文   概括出写作要点后,同学们就应依据所概括的要点写成合乎要求的文章。   4. 图画式书面表达写作实例   4月25日,你和同学们参观了清华大学。请根据下列图画,用英语写一篇日记。   注意:   1. 日记必须包括所有图画内容,可以适当增减细节;   2. 词数100左右。   【参考答案一】   April 25           Saturday          Fine   Today my classmates and I visited Qinghua University. Early in the morning we arrived at the gate of Qinghua University. An old professor gave us a warm welcome. He showed us around the schoolyard. It was very beautiful! Then we went to the library. There were a great number of books and many university students were reading attentively. We also visited the lab building which was tall and bright. In the afternoon, the old professor gave us a scientific report. It was very vivid and we all listened quite carefully. In the evening, we had to leave Qinghua University. The old professor showed us to the gate. We said goodbye to him and he said we would be welcome next time. At night I studied much harder and harder than ever before. I am determined to go to Qinghua University some day.   【参考答案二】   April 25  Saturday           Fine   Today we visited Qinghua University. Early in the morning we arrived at the gate of Qinghua university where an old professor gave us a warm welcome. We were shown around the university. Then we went to the library, where we saw many books and some university students were reading attentively. After that we visited the lab building. In the afternoon, the old professor gave us a talk on science. Time passed quickly. We had to say goodbye to the professor and to the university. At night, I worked harder at my lessons than usual. I’ve made up my mind to be a student of Qinghua university some day.




标签: 图画 书面