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2023-06-21 18:02:34
本内容由小编为大家分享关于招生简章、录取分数、报名考试、志愿填报等教育信息。高中生英语作文范文   写作可以传达信息,表达感情,因此,初中英语教学非常重视写作的培养。下面是小编为大家整理的高中生英语作文范文,一起来看看吧!   高中生英语





  1. 以约30个词概括以上短文的内容。

  2. 以约120个词就“勤俭节约”这一主题发表你的感想和看法,内容包括:





  1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

  2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



  参考词汇:节俭的 provident/thrifty


  The author introduces to us the mayor of New York City, a man who is rich but provident. The author also points out nowadays some students have the habit of wasting things.

  When reading the passage, I am deeply moved by the mayor. Rich as he is, he has the virtue of saving. He spends money only on what he needs and never wastes money on what is of no use. I think this is really admirable.

  The mayor reminds me of the great political leader of China, Chairman Mao. As the chairman of China, Mao led a very thrifty life. He used to wear old clothes at home. When his clothes were worn out, he would have them repaired and continued to wear them. He always told others that saving was a good virtue of Chinese people.

  Thinking about the two great leaders, I feel deeply ashamed. As a young student who still has to depend on my parents, I have been leading too comfortable a life. I buy whatever I like though I don’t really need them. Besides, I like new things; when things get “old”, I tend to begin to dislike them and stop using them. Now that I realize that this is wrong, I’m determined that I shall follow the examples of the two great leaders and start to get rid of the bad habits.



  1. 简单解释国家二孩政策;




  1. 词数100左右;

  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯的;

  3. 开头语已为你写好,不计入字数。

  Dear Peter,

  I have received your letter and I’m glad to explain to you the two-child policy in China.










  Li Hua


  Dear Peter,

  I have received your letter and I’m glad to explain to you the two-child policy in China.

  The Chinese government recently plans to change the one-child policy into two-child policy, meaning that every family in China is allowed to have two children. Now my parents have made a decision to give birth to a second child, which worries me a great deal. Tough it is good to have a brother or sister to grow up with, I have to share everything with him or her. Most importantly, what if the love from my parents is totally switched to the new child? As you have a younger sister, did you have similar problems? What’s your opinion about this?


  Li Hua



  A drop of water +two drops +many drops =sea

  A tree +two trees +many trees = forest

  One person +two persons +many persons =society

  范文: The picture shows a simple truth : If too many drops of water are put together ,they will become a sea. Many trees standing together form a forest and many people make up a society . It conveys a message to us : A whole is made up of many small parts that are closely related .Nothing or no one could exist alone .

  The picture sets us thinking deeply : our society is made up of many people who have different personality and characters . If we want to create a harmonious society ,we must live in harmony with others . On the other hand , since everybody is related to others , we should be responsible for what we say and what we do so that we can develop a pleasant relationship with others , which makes it possible for us to enjoy life to the fullest .


