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2023-06-21 18:17:19
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  天津静海高考模拟英语试卷第I卷 (选择题)

  第一部分: 英语知识运用(共两节)(满分5分)(基础题)

  第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. — I am so glad that I caught you at home. I need your help!

  — ____, John?

  A. What else B. So what C. How come D. What’s up

  2. An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a person's character;however,they are not always _____.

  A. available B. practical C. permanent D. beneficial

  3. Small trees grow tall by pruning(修剪). _____, a child needs education to become a person

  useful to society.

  A. Similarly B. Frequently C. Occasionally D. Eventually

  4. _____ the yard, I found it _____ with lots of _____ leaves.

  A. Entering; covering; fallen B. Having entered; covered; falling

  C. Entering; covering; falling D. Entering; covered; fallen

  5. This Monday morning I was informed I _____ as one of three exchange students from our school.

  A. had been chosen B. was chosen C. had been choosing D. was choosing

  6. First-class players of football must have excellent ball control, but it is not just _____ they do with their feet _____ counts.

  A. how; that B. that; what C. what; that D. whether; what

  7. We are hoping for support from Mr. Webster, without _____ support we can’t make it.

  A. which B. whose C. what D. that

  8. After retirement, Mr. Smith _____ painting, which he had always loved but had no time for.

  A. turned up B. held up C. made up D. took up

  9. _____ for the fact that she got hit by a car and broke her leg on her way to school, she might have passed the exam.

  A. Had it not been B. Were it not C. Was it not D. Hadn’t it been

  10. — Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?

  — He rushed out of the room _____ I could say a word.

  A. when B. after C. before D. until

  11. When I passed this afternoon, I saw a little boy was lying on the grass, his hands _____ under his head.

  A. having crossed B. crossing C. crossed D. to cross


  12. — Lisa, what do you think of the job of being a nurse?

  — In my opinion, it _____ be difficult sometimes though it seems easy.

  13. — Can I pay the bill by check?

  — Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment _____ be made in cash.

  A. can B. shall C. must D. need


  14. — Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

  — I’d like a barbecue together with a cup of orange juice. How much do you _____?

  15. — Have you bought the house?

  — No, because I can only _____ 300,000 dollars for it.

  A. offer B. spend C. charge D. owe

  第二节:完形填空:(共20小题;每题1分, 满分0分)

  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从题中所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。I remember that my father would take me on short outings on Saturdays. On the way 16 from these trips, Dad frequently 17 at the Dairy Queen for 10-cent ice cream. Not every single time, just often enough. I couldn’t 18 it, but I could hope and 19 from the time we started heading home to that 20 where we would either go straight for the ice cream or turn and go home 21 . That corner meant mouth-watering excitement or 22 .

  One day, we were 23 home, and I was hoping and praying for the beautiful sound of his 24 . It came. “Would you like an ice cream today?” “That sounds 25 , Dad!” But then he said, “It sounds good to me too, son. Would you like to 26 me today?”

  “Twenty cents!” I thought to myself, “I can afford it. I got 25 cents’ pocket money and some extra for odd jobs. Well, 27 it is enough, ice cream isn’t a good use of it.” Therefore, I said, “Well, in that case, I guess I’ll 28 .” My father just said, “Okay, Son.”

  But as we headed home, I realized how wrong I was and begged him to 29 . But he just said, “That’s okay, we don’t really need one.” I felt 30 for my selfishness and ungratefulness. He didn’t mind, or 31 act disappointedly.

  From that I 32 generosity goes two ways and gratefulness sometimes costs more than “thank you”. On that day gratefulness would have cost 20 cents and it would have been the 33 ice cream I’d ever had.

  I’ll tell you one more thing. We 34 another trip the next week. As we 35 the corner, I said, “Dad, would you like an ice cream today? My treat.”

  16. A. there B. home C. to the shop D. out

  17. A. glanced B. appeared C. stopped D. arrived

  18. A. mention B. manage C. make D. expect

  19. A. pray B. murmur C. beg D. shout

  20. A. street B. corner C. shop D. owner

  21. A. light-hearted B. absent-minded C. fully-loaded D. empty-handed

  22. A. anger B. disappointment C. satisfaction D. disagreement

  23. A. walking B. leaving C. heading D. turning

  24. A. offer B. answer C. support D. share

  25. A. beautiful B. great C. sweet D. reasonable

  26. A. serve B. treat C. buy D. provide

  27. A. since B. as C. when D. although

  28. A. accept B. pay C. pass D. forbid

  29. A. turn back B. carry on C. stop by D. give in

  30. A. unsatisfied B. ashamed C. sympathetic D. crazy

  31. A. even B. never C. only D. somehow

  32. A. taught B. learned C. thought D. found

  33. A. dearest B. worst C. cheapest D. best

  34. A. made up B. prepared for C. went on D. took on

  35. A. came over B. came on C. came out D. came near

  第二部分: 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2.5分,满分50分)


  Weekend Photography Workshop(研讨班): Seattle Aims

  Learn new techniques from a great photographer

  Take photos of Pike Place Market, Bainbridge Island, and more

  Activity Details

  Seattle is a fantastic place to photograph. Spend the weekend taking photos of the historic Pike Place Market, get a new angle on the Space Needle, and photograph harbor views on Bainbridge Island.

  This workshop is led by a great photographer and a professional instructor and is designed for people who are interested in improving their digital photography. All participants must bring a digital SLR camera(单反相机), a laptop, and the software for organizing and presenting images. The workshop is limited to 25 participants.

  Plan – 3 Days

  Day 1—Thursday: Seattle

  Settle into our hotel or stay in accommodations of your choice. Gather tonight at a restaurant in town for a welcome dinner.

  Day 2—Friday: Pike Place Market & Pioneer Square

  Start the day in the classroom with an instructive talk by our photographer. Our first task this afternoon takes us to the oldest running farmers’ market in the country, Pike Place Market. Work on portraits, street scenes, and food photographing. Then photograph the stately 19th century brick buildings of Pioneer Square, Seattle’s historic center. End the day with an edit-and-critic meeting.

  Day 3—Saturday: Olympic Sculpture Park & Space Needle

  Head out to the Olympic Sculpture Park. Then go to the streets of the downtown area to get a unique view of the Space Needle, and photograph city life against a background of diverse architectural styles. Tonight, we’ll present our best images to the group, enjoy dinner at a local restaurant and end our journey.


  With hotel Without hotel $2,020 $1,395 Meals noted in the plan are included in both options(with and without hotel)


  Jul 11 – 14, 2013 Aug 08—11, 2013 Sep 26 – 29, 2013

  Contact Information

  For questions about this workshop, please call 1-886-797-4686. Or you can visit the website: http://.

  36. The purpose in joining the workshop is to _____.

  A. make friends with those who are good at photographing

  B. learn new techniques and photograph tourist attractions in Seattle

  C. have a romantic and meaningful weekend

  D. pay a short visit to Seattle

  37. What should you bring with you during the workshop?

  A. A digital SLR camera, a laptop and the software that can organize and present images.

  B. A digital camera and a computer that can organize and present images.

  C. A digital camera and a guide to photography.

  D. A digital SLR camera and a guide to photography.

  38. You will do the following on Friday EXCEPT______.

  A. photographing diverse architectural styles in Seattle

  B. communicating photography techniques with others

  C. photographing Seattle’s historic center --- Pioneer Square

  D. visiting the oldest running farmers’ market in the country

  39. What can you learn from the passage?

  A. The workshop is led by a teacher who is interested in photography.

  B. You need to pay for the meals mentioned in the plan.

  C. You have three chances to join the workshop.

  D. Only 20 people can participate in the workshop.

  40. If you are willing to join the workshop, you can______.

  A. go to Seattle directly B. contact the photographer

  C. call a travel agency in Seattle D. call 1-866-797-4686 for more details


  My high school life has been filled with many ups and downs, whether it was social or academic. Even though my current high school was not my first choice, I never regretted attending Southside High School. “Since you have chosen it, then it is the best for you,” said my parents.

  Up until the junior year I did not realize my capabilities (能力) as a student. Being in the IB Program, I was told that my junior year would be the toughest in all the years of high school. With this “little” piece of information, I walked into my junior year, scared of my grades. As weeks went by, I started to believe that the junior year was not as hard as everyone had said, but I was wrong. My grades were rapidly declining(下降) and by the end of the first term I had had five Cs in seven of my classes! I could not believe it --- I did not want to believe it. I tried my best to get my grades up myself without any help from anyone, but my pride just made my grades worse. And I had to miss out on one of the most important speech and debate competitions all year: States. I was heartbroken. I realized that I could not survive my junior year on my own, so I had to get help fast.

  Once I got a tutor, my grades went from Cs, Ds, and even some Fs, to nothing but As and Bs. I slowly started to gain my confidence back in all of my classes and even myself. By the time the third and fourth quarter came around, I had been on the honor roll twice, and I was receiving awards from speeches and debates, tennis and school.

  Southside has taught me to always keep my head up and never give up on myself no matter what life throws at me. I am proud to be a Southside Tiger.

  41. From the first paragraph, we can learn that ______.

  the writer always thought Southside High School was the best

  the writer’s parents persuaded her into attending Southside High School

  the writer has met many challenges since she attended high school

  life has become easier since the writer came to Southside High School

  42. How did the writer feel when she walked into her junior year?

  Confident. B. Worried C. Curious. D. Uninterested.

  43. Why was the writer’s study worse and worse?

  She didn’t work hard enough. B. She didn’t ask others for help because of pride.

  She missed many important speeches.D. No one would like to help her.

  44. What is mainly talked about in Para 3?

  The writer’s appreciation for her tutor. B. The writer’s various hobbies.

  The writer’s new discovery at school. D. The writer’s achievements at school.

  What important lesson has the writer learned at Southside High School?

  Students should face challenges bravely.

  Students should be careful in choosing school.

  Students should be proud of their school.

  Students should better learn about life.


  A ground-based system that uses much stronger signals than GPS can find your location in cities and indoors. It is a new positioning system that could compete with GPS to make sure you never lose your directions again.

  Instead of satellites, Locata uses ground-based equipment to send a radio signal over a localized area that is a million times stronger on arrival than GPS. It can work indoors as well as outdoors, and the makers claim that the receivers can be shrunk(缩小) to fit inside a regular cell phone. Even the US armies, which invented GPS technology, signed a file last month agreeing to a test of Locata at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

  “This is one of the most important technology developments for the future of the positioning industry,” says Nunzio Gambale, CEO and co-founder of the firm Locata, based in Griffith, Australia.

  As for the Locata’s correctness, Christopher Morin of the US Air Force tested it recently at White Sands, and it worked to within 18cm along any axis(轴). Morin said it should be possible to get the exactitude down to 5cm.

  The tests were performed in an open desert where GPS also worked beautifully, but its signal was weak—like a car headlight from 20,000 kilometers away—and easily cut off by solid objects(实心的物体). Locata’s signal was far stronger, though not guaranteed to work in a complex urban environment, said David, speaker of the UK’ s General Lighthouse Authorities.

  Locata’s technology will face competition in the race to transform indoor navigation. But it could shine in specific areas, Gambale said. Robots with Locata could easily navigate inside buildings without the complex optical(视觉的) systems they need at the moment. And the process that handles correct location data could not only guide you around a mall, railway station or airport, but also take you to the exact shelf in a shop for the product you want. It would be small and cheap enough for smart phones and it should be available within five years—a similar path to the one GPS took on its way towards the world, he said.

  The passage is written mainly to ______.

  encourage people to buy the Locata

  tell us the disadvantages of the GPS

  introduce a new positioning system Locata

  tell us that Locata will replace GPS one day

  Which of the following is NOT true about Locata?

  Without the help of the satellites, Locata can tell you where you are.

  Locata will be popular with most people even including the US armies.

  Locata has a better signal than GPS in some bad environments.

  In five years, Locata will take the place of GPS.

  According to the passage, Gambale______.

  did the experiment at White Sands last month

  believed the Locata would help to develop smart robots’ creation

  doubted whether Locata can work in a complex environment or not

  was worried about the competition the Locata faced

  Which of the following can replace the underlined word “exactitude” in Paragraph 4?

  Accuracy. B. Speed. C. Determination D. Length

  What can we know from the passage?

  Locata is as small as a cell phone.

  GPS is the most practical position system at present.

  Locata will tell you how to get what you want in the future.

  Locata will enter our lives through the cell phone, just like GPS.


  Young children from poor families are more likely to consume junk food and fizzy drinks(汽水) than their richer companions. A study of 1,800 four- and five-year-olds found more than half of those from poor backgrounds drank at least one a week, compared to just four in ten oofy kids. They also drank less milk and consumed more fruit juice which is also linked to child obesity (肥胖) caused by high sugar intake(摄取量).

  The phenomenon also relates to children who spend more than two hours a day in front of a TV or playing computer games—whatever their social circumstances. A companion study also found children from poor families were more likely to eat chips, sweets and chocolate. Professor Kate Storey said, “when you are looking at that age group, and such a large percentage of very young kids in the study are consuming a large amount of soda(苏打汽水),it is quite concerning. ”

  The researchers carried out the study by surveying the parents of their participants to find out their dietary habits. Professor Storey said, “If you are drinking a lot of soda and fruit juice, they can displace(取代)consumption of water and milk, which are important not just for ending thirst, but for developing healthy bones and teeth, and health and wellness in general.”

  Co-researcher Dr John Spence said, “Dietary behavior and intake patterns are influenced heavily by what happens in the first few years with children, and they maintain those patterns throughout childhood and into adolescence(青少年时期).” In addition to basic health education, this study identifies a need in how we are dealing with poverty and recognizing there is more to poverty than simply the number of dollars people have.

  Professor Storey said that shows how education can make a difference and lead to healthier eating habits, regardless of what is happening at home. “Many families live in places that might not be very healthy for them and, as a result, they make unhealthy food choices. You can start making a difference in different places. It calls for action in multiple settings, schools and communities, for example. That light-bulb moment can happen in a variety of places,” Professor Storey added.

  51. What does the underlined word “oofy” mean in Para.1?

  Wealthy. B. Healthy. C. Fat D. Weak.

  52. According to the passage, Professor Storey thinks it helpful for children ______.

  A. to drink more coffee B. to drink more milk

  C. to drink more soda D. to drink more fruit juice

  53. According to Dr John Spence, children’s habits in the early stage of life can even affect _____.

  A. their attitude towards life B. their living patterns of youth

  C. health in their old age D. living quality of all their life

  54. Professor Storey considers that healthier eating habits can be _____.

  A. finally determined by parents’ life habits B. gently changed by parents’ life habits

  C. suddenly changed by family situation D. gradually changed by education

  55. What’s the main idea of the passage?

  A. Young people like eating junk food.

  B. Junk food is bad for both young children and adults.

  C. Children from poor families are more likely to eat junk food.

  D. Junk food causes more and more children to become overweight.



  第一节:阅读表达(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) (学法题)


  Choosing the right university for you is a big decision with many factors to consider. The institution that you choose will not only be the one that ensures your academic goals, but it will also be where you will live, learn, play sports, socialize and work for several years. Therefore, before you start filling out those university application forms, take a step back and consider the many variables that affect the “fit” of a university to your unique personality and educational goals. Take a look at the following factors, and decide which ones mean the most to you.

  Consider your educational goals. You will discover that different schools are more recognized or progressive in your chosen field of study than others. For this reason, talk to advisors, professionals in your field, or go to clubs organized by the alumni(校友). When you check out school ranking for your major, you may find that your first choice is not really a match, while another fits perfectly.

  Consider costs. It will be no surprise to you at this point that not all schools cost the same. Some of the more famous schools are so because they are difficult to get into and difficult to pay for. Don’t let this necessarily stop you. Just keep this consideration in mind as you narrow your list of potential schools.

  Choosing a university should not be done only on reputation, but also take the academic programs and overall environment into consideration. Be aware that reputations are sometimes out of date or overstated, so first-hand experience is often beneficial.

  Once you’ve identified the factors that are most important to you, you’ve taken the first steps towards making a successful choice. Make sure you pick a university that will serve your needs throughout your university career.

  56. What does the passage mainly talk about? (No more than 10 words.)

  ____________________________________________________________________________57. There are many factors you need to consider before choosing a university according to the passage, Can you list at least three of them? (No more than 15 words)


  58. According to the passage, what kind of university is the best for you to choose? (No more than 15words. )


  59. What does the underlined word “variables” mean in Paragraph 1? (Only one word.)

  ____________________________________________________________________________60. In your opinion, what other things do we need to take into consideration before choosing a university besides the things mentioned in the passage? (No more than 20 words.)



  1.表达自己喜爱的课程 2.推荐的理由

  注意: 词数不少于100;可根据内容要点适当发挥;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

  Dear Sirs/Madams,

  I’m writing here to recommend_______________________________________________


  Hopefully, you can consider my recommendation.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua





标签: 静海 天津 英语