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2023-06-21 18:21:33
本内容由小编为大家分享关于招生简章、录取分数、报名考试、志愿填报等教育信息。2017辽宁高三英语第一次联考试卷含答案   做题是提高成绩必不可少的部分,为此小编整理了2017届辽宁高三英语第一次联考试卷,请考生及时练习。   2017辽宁





  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




  WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) ---- About 140 pilot whales that stranded(使...搁浅) themselves on a remote stretch of New Zealand beach have died, but conservation workers and volunteers are hoping the remaining 60 or so will survive after they managed to get them refloated, an official said Saturday. The geography of Farewell Spit on the South Island seems to work against whales, which regularly become stranded there. The stranding of 198 whales on Friday was one of the largest in recent years and inspired 80 workers and volunteers to help out. By late Saturday, 140 of the whales had died, said Department of Conservation area manager Andrew Lamason. He said the workers and volunteers worked throughout the day to keep the surviving whales watered and covered before refloating them during Saturday night’s high tide. “We’ve had a really good crew of volunteers, and people have been wanting to come from all over the country,” Lamason said. He said the surviving whales had moved to deeper water. But he cautioned that although hopes for their survival were high, whales had been refloated in the past only to return and get stranded again. Lamason said the scale(规模) of the stranding has been tough on the helpers, both physically and mentally. “It’s very sad, they’re very intelligent animals,” he said. “The common view is that it’s part of nature.” The focus will now turn to the dead whales, and the enormous task of dealing with the remains, Lamason said, adding that in the past helpers have typically buried them in the sand, but that he’s not sure what the approach will be this time. He said the department had been experimenting with moving the the dead whales into the water, which has the advantage of providing food for other sea creatures. 21. What is the exact number of whales stranded last Friday A. 198 B.140. C. 80. D.60 22. Why did the volunteers have to wait until Saturday before they could refloat the whales A. Because they were very busy on Friday. B. Because the whales were too intelligent.

  C. Because they had to wait for the sea water to rise. D. Because the whales were buried deep in the sand. 23. Which of the following words can be used to describe Lamason’s attitude towards the result of refloating the whales A. Optimistic. B. Doubtful. C. Positive. D. Careless. 24. How will the volunteers deal with the dead whales this time according to Lamason ? A. They will bury them in the sand.

  B. They do not have any exact idea yet. C. They will throw them into the ocean. D. They will feed them to other sea creatures.


  Free Wi-Fi has become very important to us: many stores and shopping malls offer it, restaurants use it to attract customers, and for libraries and coffee shops it is a must-have service. Even when people are traveling, they scan for free Wi-Fi. When selecting or rating a hotel, six in ten travelers believe that unlimited Wi-Fi is the most important factor. “Today, people will never forget to pack their smart phones, tablets and laptops into the suitcase,” said the Daily Mail. “We rely on free Wi-Fi heavily when traveling—especially when it comes to checking social media, checking out travel tips, and accessing websites.” However, despite the opportunities that free Wi-Fi gives us, “our over-reliance on technology has come at a price, with travelers feeling unable to escape social media”, said Lonely Planet, the world’s largest travel guide brand. Anita Isalska, Lonely Planet editor and tech addict, was forced to unplug when in an isolated (隔绝的) camp in Greenland recently. “Adjusting to this slower pace, I began to realize that: social media had changed into a habit,” she wrote. “I had believed I was capturing(捕捉) moments, but in reality my busy fingers were preventing me enjoying travel’s deepest pleasures. How fully can you appreciate a huge glacier or wild flowers when your brain is selecting the right photo filter (滤镜) or the perfect six seconds to take photos” In September, Lonely Planet released 10 predictions for the future of global travel. One of them was that true escapes will be highly valued in future, so remote hotels will start to make their lack of the Internet into an appealing feature. Would you like to have an unplugged holiday 25. According to the passage, people nowadays tend to do the following EXCEPT . A. getting out of a library that has no access to the Internet B. thinking ill of a hotel without Wi-Fi C. making travel plans via the Internet

  D. enjoying travelling better without carrying any Hi-Tech equipment 26. Through the fourth paragraph, the author intends to . A. give more evidence to the view mentioned B. show a different opinion on the topic C. get into another topic D. summarize the previous paragraphs 27. What has Anita Isalska realized in Greenland ? A. Travelers cannot survive without Hi-Tech. B. Taking pictures doesn’t affect appreciating nature. C. Her over-reliance on technology has come at a price.

  D. Her fingers are not flexible enough to take enough pictures. 28. What does “an unplugged holiday” mean in the last paragraph ? A. A camping holiday. B A holiday in a remote hotel.

  C. A holiday without Wi-Fi. D. A holiday without taking pictures.


  “BANG!” the door caused a reverberation (回声). It was just standing there, with father standing on one side, and me on the other side. We were both in great anger. “Never set foot in this house again!” stormed father. With tears welling up in my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street. The street lights were shining, causing rather sad feelings. I wandered aimlessly. A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me. I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and carefree. But now … I don’t know whether it is because I have grown up or because dad is getting old. We differ in our ways of thinking. We are just like two people coming from two different worlds. It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened. I wandered the streets, without a destination in mind. My heart was frozen on this hot summer night. As I walked on, there were fewer and fewer people on the streets, until I had only the street lights to keep me company. When I finally reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived, I saw that the light was still on. I thought to myself: “Is father waiting for me, or is he still angry with me” In fact, it was nothing. Perhaps, dad was throwing away some of his old stamps. Perhaps he thought they were useless. I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps. All the lights were off except father’s. Dad was always like this. Maybe he didn’t know how to express himself. After shouting at me, he never showed any mercy or any moments of regret. This was how he always was. He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature. The light was still on. “Am I wrong” I whispered, maybe… With the key in my hand, I was as nervous as I had ever been. At last, I decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, tears ran down my cheeks. I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had imagined between us did not exist at all. Love----it’s second to none. 29. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage ? A. The author fully understood why he and his father had different thinking. B. The author and his father lacked communication. C. The author’s father didn’t approve of his stamp collecting. D. The author’s father opened the door for him when he came back. 30. According to the author, why did his father often shout at him ? A. Perhaps the father was getting older and older. B. Perhaps the father had been used to doing that. C. Perhaps the son had already grown up. C. Perhaps they never agreed with each other. 31. What did the author mean by the underlined sentence “My heart was frozen on this hot summer night”? A. He felt lonely because there were so few people on the street. B. He felt uncomfortable because it was a very hot night. C. He was at a loss because he had nowhere to go. D. He was completely disappointed with his father. 32. What was the author’s attitude towards his father at the end of the story? A. He was frustrated with his father. B. He loved his father. C. He was afraid of his father. D. He was dissatisfied with his father


  Many people have wondered what makes the oceans rise and fall on the word’s beaches twice a day. Those tides are caused by the force of the Moon’s gravity and the rotation(自转) of the Earth. Gravity acts on the center of any solid object. The Earth is mostly molten(熔化的) rock, but compared to the oceans, we can think of it as a solid object.

  As you know, the oceans are fluid and lie on the surface of the Earth. When the Moon is overhead, the oceans are four thousand miles closer to the Moon than the Earth’s center is. Because the oceans are closer, the Moon pulls harder on the water than on the Earth. This stronger pull makes the water bunch up(集中) a little under the Moon, creating a high tide.

  At the same time, the oceans on the opposite side of the Earth are four thousand miles farther from the Moon than the Earth’s center is. The Moon’s pull on this water is weak. This water bunches up because it is “left behind”(making another high tide) as the Earth is pulled slightly towards the Moon.

  When the waters bunch up on these two sides of the Earth, they draw water away from the other sides of the Earth, which creates the low tides.

  As the Earth rotates, different parts of the land and oceans pass through the high-tide and low-tide zones. And that makes the waters on our coasts go up and down.

  33. According to the passage, there would be no tides if there were no ______.

  A.Earth rotation

  B.gravity from the Earth

  C. gravity from the Moon

  D. Moon’s gravity or Earth rotation

  34. The moon’s pull has a weak effect on the oceans on the opposite of the Earth, .

  A. so there is a low tide.

  B. so the water there doesn’t bunch up

  C. but it can still make a high tide.

  D. because the Earth’s gravity there is greater.

  35. Which of the following facts can be inferred from the passage?.

  A. Low-tide zones are near to high-tide zones.

  B. The oceans of the Earth are a whole body.

  C. High-tide zones are separated from low-tide zones.

  D.The Earth’s surface is 4000 miles away from the Moon.




  To forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness, anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research.

  ___36____Try the following steps:

  Calm yourself. ______37_______ You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love.Don’t wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way. ______38______ Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.

  Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者). Rethinking about your hurt gives power to the person who causes you pain. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you.

  _39___ If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender’s point of view .

  Don’t forget to forgive yourself. ____40______ But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don’t do it.

  A. Why should you forgive?

  B. How should you start to forgive?

  C. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.

  D. Try to see things from your offender’s angle.

  E. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.

  F. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.

  G. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



  I was in sunny California.The past two months I had been sick,sleepless, forgetful , a little mad and a little sad.I had been busy reading and learning all about stopping smoking. I changed 41 that led me to smoke again. I was trying my hardest to practice 42 thinking until it would come naturally. Basically I was making 43 tobacco my job!

  Christmas 44 and it was my first smoke-free holiday in 37 years. I was 45 in shopping , planning, cooking and wrapping 46 , the stress, the fatigue(疲乏) of overdoing and the physical and mental 47 of dealing with my quit 48 on Christmas Day ! I was going to my mother’s house , which was about an hour away . I wanted to 49 myself in my own car . Once in the car and driving down I-24 , I had this 50 : I could smoke and nobody would know . I 51 the exit and went through my 52 looking for money .

  All of a sudden , the nonsmoking slogans(口号)ran through my brain ; the information in red ran though my brain ; my own 53 to quit smoking ran through my head . I began to cry . I am crying now thinking about what I believe was a(n) 54 moment in my quit . I am proud to have been strong in self-control . It was determination that helped 55 myself of the smoking habit .

  Thanks to the quit ,I am able to 56 the confidence to other areas of my life . This past year has been a(n) 57 of contrast , up and down , happy and sad , scared and brave , but in the end , I 58 the most life-changing year . It was fightening to 59 something that had been a part of my life for most of my life , but it was worth every 60 moment!

  41. A . routines B . subjects C . schedules D . plans

  42. A . reverse B . unusual C . positive D . critical

  43. A .smoking B . trading C . enjoying D . quitting

  44. A .fell B . dropped C .appeared D . followed

  45. A .absorbed B . engaged C . interested D . involved

  46. A . However B .Therefore C . Besides D .Moreover

  47. A .pressure B .failure C . health D . disability

  48. A . ended B . broke C . exploded D .stopped

  49. A . help B . drive C . persuade D . leave

  50. A .imagination B .thought C . emotion D . concept

  51 A . turned to B . got around C . pulled off D . walked into

  52. A . purse B . car C .account D . clothes

  53. A .courage B .wish C . promise D . decision

  54. A . decisive B .meaningful C . relevant D .inevitable

  55. A . remind B . inform C .warn D . rid

  56. A . extend B . adapt C . increase D . develop

  57. A . result B . encouragement C . experience D . symbol

  58. A . celebrated B . completed C .spent D .survived

  59. A .face B . accept C . change D . remove

  60. A .valuable B .uncomfortable C . tiny D . beneficial




  What on earth does happiness mean? I can’t give you its exact definition, but I’m sure if you love and help others you’ll get it.

  I’ll never forget an old lady. She lives in 61 small house alone. It is said that her husband and her son 62(die)in a road accident years ago. Her life is bitter, but she often helps others a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first 64 (clean) the paths. She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of 65(laugh)and love.But I’m sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways. They talk 66(noisy)in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others’ shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time , they will never get true happiness because they 68 (lose) their personality already.

  Now I know what happiness is. means kindness , love and unselfishness. Above all, I have come to understand that 70(bring)happiness to others is getting ourselves happiness.

  假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。短文中有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(Λ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;




标签: 辽宁 联考 英语