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2023-06-21 18:47:24
本内容由小编为大家分享关于招生简章、录取分数、报名考试、志愿填报等教育信息。高考英语阅读强化训练   阅读理解在高考英语考试中占有较高的比重,需要考生加强英语阅读的练习才能提高阅读能力。下面小编为大家带来高考英语阅读强化训练,欢迎考生阅读训





  I was due to take my driving test at 11:30 am.It was a rainy morning with low clouds and as Iapproached the driving school at 9:50 am,my heart sank.My driving instructor. Stan,saidsomething,trying to drive away my fears,but I was not impressed

  We set off for the test centre with an hour to go I wanted a run round the test circuit (圈),butwe got stuck in a traffic jam,and could only drive no faster than walking.

  We arrived at the test centre at 11 am.Stan made me watch a group of six learners emergingfrom the building with their respective(各自的)examiners.Their instructors were looking out fromtwo windows.We watched them drive off They must have been feeling very nervous

  Stan took me round the probable test track,pointing out the traps.The weather became evenworse It seemed to make me feel worse too.I had developed a couldn't-care-less mood,and wasalmost calm We returned to the test centre in time to see the six unfortunates returning.Theirnerves must have been in a terrible state.

  I sat in the waiting room until six examiners came in to call out our respective names. Mineshowed no emotion as he asked me to go to my car I showed none either,but the tensionbegan mounting again.


  1.On their way to the test center,Stan tried to comfort the author_________

  A.but it made the author's heart sink deeper

  B.but the words produced no effect

  C.so that the author could drive to the center with no fears

  D.so that they could prepare for all he flaps

  2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Six learners would be tested at the same time.

  B.The learners were tested in the presence of their instructors

  C.None of the six learners passed the test in the end.

  D The instructors were as nervous as the learners

  3.When the author was sitting in the waiting room,he was quite_________

  A.upset B.nervous C.frightened D.relaxed

  4.When it was his turn to take the test,the author went to his car with___________

  A.firm confidence B mixed emotions C.increased nervousness D.perfect calmness

  5.The passage is mainly about___________

  A.the influence of bad weather upon a test taker

  B the feelings of a learner before his driving test

  C the preparations before a driving test

  D.an unforgettable day










标签: 英语阅读