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2024-04-26 04:32:16
本内容由小编为大家分享关于高校招生简章、录取分数、报名考试、志愿填报、大学院校排名等教育信息。   The Shard has 87 floors.At the top,there is an observatory.At the mome


  The Shard has 87 floors.At the top,there is an observatory.At the moment the building is empty,but eventually there will be a five­star hotel.There will also be top quality restaurants,apartments and offices.

  Before building work began,a lot of people didn't want the Shard though the plans were approved.Now they are still unhappy about the Shard.Some critics say that such a tall skyscraper might be good in a city like New York,but not in London.They say that the best thing about the Shard is its spire shape.But that is the only thing.There is no decoration,only flat surfaces.The Egyptians did that 4,500 years ago.They also think the Shard is too big for London.It destroys the beauty of the city.

  Other critics don't like what the Shard seems to represent.They say that the Shard shows how London is becoming more unequal.Only very rich people can afford to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel.But the people who live near the Shard are among the poorest in London.So the Shard seems a symbol of the division in society between the very rich and the poor.

  The Shard now dominates the London skyline.It is not certain,however,that ordinary London citizens will ever accept it as a valuable addition to the city.

  1.London's newest skyscraper is called the Shard because of ________.

  A.its cost B.its size

  C.its shape D.its height

  2.When he designed the Shard,Piano wanted it to ________.

  A.change London's skyline

  B.inherit London's tradition

  C.imitate the Egyptian style

  D.attract potential visitors

  3.The critics who refer to social division think the Shard ________.

  A.is only preferred by the rich

  B.is intended for wealthy people

  C.is far away from the poor area

  D.is popular only with Londoners

  4.Which would be the best title for the passage?

  A.The Shard:Cheers and Claps

  B.The Shard:Work of a Great Architect

  C.The Shard:New Symbol of London?

  D.The Shard:A Change for the Better?



  1.C 解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的“It looks like a very thin,sharp piece of broken glass.And that is how the building got the name:the Shard.”可知,这栋楼的名字的由来是其外形像一块很薄、很锋利的碎玻璃片,因此选C项“它的形状”,而非它的“花费、尺寸或高度”。

  2.B 解析:细节理解题。第二段中的Piano says that the spire shape of the Shard is part of a great London tradition.(Piano说“碎片大厦”的尖顶外形是伦敦伟大传统的一部分。)解释了设计师的想法,与B项“继承伦敦的传统”相吻合。A项“改变伦敦的天际线”是结果而不是设计初衷,C项“模仿埃及风格”及D项“吸引潜在的游客”文中均未涉及。

  3.B 解析:细节理解题。由第五段中的“Only very rich people can afford to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel.”可知,谈到社会分化的批评家认为“碎片大厦”是“专为有钱人设计的(is intended for wealthy people)”。

  4.D 解析:主旨大意题。全文介绍了欧洲第一高楼——英国伦敦的“碎片大厦”。由第一段的最后一句“However,not everyone thinks that it is a change for the better.”可知,对于这个改变,毁誉参半,故D项“碎片大厦:更好的改变?”作为标题最为合适。A项“碎片大厦:欢呼与掌声”只关注了支持者,不够全面。


  The computer keyboard helped kill shorthand—a system of rapid handwriting, and now it's threatening to finish off handwriting as a whole. When handwritten essays were introduced on the SAT exams for the class of 2012, just 15% of the most 1.5 million students wrote their answers in cursive letters(草写字母). The rest? Block letters.

  And those college hopefuls are just the first edge of a wave of US students who no longer get much handwriting instructions in the primary grades, frequently 10 minutes a day or less. As a result, more and more students struggle to read and write cursive letters.

  At Keene Mill Elementary School in Springfield, all their poems and stories are typed. Children in Fairfax County schools are taught keyboarding beginning in kindergarten. Older students who never mastered handwriting say it doesn't affect their grades.

  There are those who say the culture is at a crossing, turning from the written word to the typed one. If handwriting becomes a lost form of communication, does it matter?

  It was at University Virginia that researchers recently discovered a previously unknown poem by Robert, written in his unique script. Handwritten documents are more valuable to researchers, historians say, because their authenticity(真实性) can be confirmed. Students also find them more fascinating.

  The loss of handwriting also may be a cognitive(认知的) opportunity missed. Several academic studies have found that good handwriting skills at a young age can help children express their thoughts better—a lifelong benefit.

  It doesn't take much to teach better handwriting skills. At some schools in Prince George's County, elementary school students use a programme called Handwriting Without Tears for 15 minutes a day. They learn the correct formation of manuscript letters through second grade, and cursive letters in third grade.

  There are always going to be some kids who struggle with handwriting because of their particular neurological(神经系统的) writing, learning issues or poor motor skills. Educators often point to this factor in support of keyboarding.

  1.What is the author concerned about after 2012 SAT exams?

  A.Keyboarding. B.Shorthand.

  C.Handwriting. D.Block letters.

  2.A poem by Robert mentioned in the passage is used to ________.

  A.prove how valuable handwriting is

  B.explain what a famous poet he is

  C.show how unique his poem is

  D.stress how fascinating the documents are

  3.The example of Handwriting Without Tears helps to argue that ________.

  A.the schools are responsible for the loss of handwriting

  B.the loss of handwriting is a cognitive opportunity missed

  C.it doesn't take much to teach better handwriting skills

  D.the culture is turning from the written word to the typed one

  4.According to the author, when is a perfect time to learn handwriting?

  A.Kindergarten. B.Primary school.

  C.High school. D.College.

  5.What is the author's attitude towards this debate?

  A.Devoted. B.Supportive.

  C.Critical. D.Objective.



  1.C 推理判断题。根据第一段中“When handwritten essays were introduced on the SAT exams for the class of 2012,just 15% of the most 1.5 million students wrote their answers in cursive letters(草写字母).The rest? Block letters.”可知,在150万学生中只有15%的学生是手写的,这引起作者对手写的担心,故C项正确。

  2.A 细节理解题。根据第五段中“Handwritten documents are more valuable to researchers,historians say,because their authenticity(真实性) can be confirmed.”可知,作者想借Robert的诗来证明手写的文稿更加珍贵,故A项正确。

  3.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“It doesn't take much to teach better handwriting skills.”可知,作者认为教学生书写不需要花费多少精力,后面用Handwriting Without Tears举例,故C项正确。

  4.B 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中“Several academic studies have found that good handwriting skills at a young age can help children express their thoughts better—a lifelong benefit.”可知,作者认为学生应该从小就学习书写,会让他们终受益,故B项正确。

  5.D 推理判断题。作者先是提出问题,即书写应该引起关注,后面说为什么学生应该学习书写,最后提出有的学生因为种种原因不能写字而可以使用键盘,所以他是客观地陈述事实,故D项正确。


