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2024-04-30 14:59:12
本内容由小编为大家分享关于招生简章、录取分数、报名考试、志愿填报、大学院校排名等教育信息.2017高考英语易错知识点2017高考英语易错知识点高考英语语法点众多,复习时一定要做到有的放矢、有所侧重。今天,学习啦小编为大家整理了2017高考英语易错知识点。 2017高考英语易错知识点:冠词的用法 ◆典型陷阱题分析◆






1. “Do you know ______ English for ‘帅哥’?” “I’m afraid I don’t. I’m not interested in _______ English language.”

A. the, the

B. the, 不填

C. 不填, the

D. 不填, 不填



(1) 当语言名词表特指意义,其前可用定冠词。如:

The English spoken in America and Canada is a little different from that spoken in England. 美国和加拿大讲的英语与英国讲的英语有点不同。

(2) 当语言名词表示某一语言中的对应词时,其前要用定冠词。如:

What’s the English for this? 这个东西用英语怎么说?

(3) 当在语言名词后加上 language一词时,也要用冠词。如:

There have been many changes in the history of the English language. 英语发展过程中有很多变革。

2. I couldn’t remember the exact date of the storm, but I knew it was ______ Sunday because everybody was at ______ church.

A. a, the

B. a, 不填

C. 不填, a

D. 不填, 不填

【陷阱】容易误选D,因为星期名词前不加冠词;而 at church 表示在教堂里做礼拜,其中也不用冠词。


He came on the Sunday and went away on the Monday. 他星期日来,星期一就走了。

My birthday happened to be on a Saturday. 我的生日碰巧是星期六。

3.Which person do you refer to, the one with ______ long hair or the one with _______ long beard?

A. a, a

B. 不填,不填

C. a, 不填

D. 不填,a


【分析】最佳答案选D。hair 和 beard 在用法上并不完全相同:hair 可用作可数或不可数名词,用作可数名词时,指一根一根的毛发或头发,如说 There’s a hair in my soup (我的汤里有根头发);用作不可数名词(*名词)时,则是整体地指一个人的头发。比较:

He has gray hairs. 他有几根白发了。

He has gray hair. 他满头白发了。

而beard 则通常只用作可数名词,且指的是一个人所有的胡须,而不是指一根胡须,它的复数形式,通常是指多个人的胡须,而不是指多根胡须,如:

He no longer wears a beard. 他不再留胡须。

Not all men grow beards. 并不是所有的男人都留胡须。

4. I once watched _______ one-act play, which was played by _______ 11-year-old boy.

A. a, a

B. an, an

C. a, an

D. an, a


【分析】最佳答案填C。第一空填 a,因为 one-act 的读音是[??????],它的第一个音是辅音不是元音;第二空填an,是因为 11的英文是 eleven[??????],它的第一个音是元音不是辅音。类似以下各题的答案是 C 不是其他:

(1) Before he was arrested, he had taken _______ one-month holiday, and stayed in the country with ________ 18-year-old girl, one of his students.

A. a, a

B. an, an

C. a, an

D. an, a

(2) We hired _______ one-eyed man to play in our film, and we gave him _______ 100-pound check for just one minute.

A. a, an

B. an, a

C. a, a

D. an, an

5. “Have you seen _____ pen? I left it here this morning.” “Is it _____ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.”

A. a, the

B. the, the

C. a, a

D. the, a


【分析】最佳答案为C。第一空填a,比较好理解;而第二空填a是因为此句中的one 并非指前面提到的 pen,即这里的 one 与前面的 pen 并非同一事物,这从后面一句的 I think I saw it somewhere 可以清楚地知道。请比较下面一题:

“Have you seen _____ pen? I left it here this morning.” “Is it _____ black one? I found it in the corner.”

A. a, the

B. the, the

C. a, a

D. the, a

此题的最佳答案是 A不是C。请注意其后 I found it in the corner这一信息,它表明说明者是拿着笔在与对方说话。请再看一个类似的例子:

“Have you seen _______ new bike? I put it here just now.” “Is it _______ white one? A boy has ridden it away.”

A. a; a

B. a; the

C. the; the

D. the; a

此题答案选A,注意其后的 A boy has ridden it away 表明自行车已不在说话者身旁。

6. My friend Mary is _____ beautiful girl and _____ girl everyone likes to work with.

A. a, a

B. a, the

C. the, a

D. the, the

【陷阱】很容易误选B,认为第一次提到 girl 用不定冠词,第二次提到就应该用定冠词。

【分析】最佳答案为A。句中第二次提到 girl 时并不是特指的,此句实为一省略句,补充完整为 My friend Mary is a beautiful girl and she is a girl everyone likes to work with. 请再做以下试题(答案选A):

(1) Jim is _______ brave boy and _______ boy never fearing anything.

A. a, a

B. a, the

C. the, a

D. the, the

(2) It is really _______ useful dictionary and _______ dictionary every one of us needs.

A. a, a

B. a, the

C. the, a

D. the, the 2017湖南岳阳高考英语模拟试卷含答案




第一节 (共15题; 每小题分, 满分分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项A、B 、C 和 D 中选出最佳选项, 并在题卡该项涂黑。FOREIGN TEACHERS ARE NEEDED ALL OVER CHINA

Ad No.90374

Posted July 12, 2015 by Amanda

Expire Date August 12, 2015

Tag:Beijing Language Teaching Part Time

We are looking for Teachers, whose Native Language is English, willing to teach in China. Mostly schools are in South of China.

The Benefit package for ESL Teachers includes:

One-year Contract:1st September 2015 to 1st August 2016

Salary 4,000 RMB to 5,000 RMB/Month

Teaching load & schedule:20 teaching hours per week

A rent-free, fully furnished apartment with a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom

Kitchen facilities provided, other electric appliances will be supplied, water, heater, microwave etc.

If you are interested, please read the information above and kindly send your application to attach the following documents (in doc or JPEG format).The subject to be mentioned, as “teach in China”


2).A copy of academic degree/diploma/certificate/or college transcript

3).A photocopy of the data page of valid passport

4).A recent color photo

5).A letter of recommendation or release letter from your previous Chinese school (Only if you worked in China previously)

6).Any other relevant information that you think might help your application

21. This advertisement is about_______.

A. introducing a school B. taking on English teachers

C. seeking a teaching position D. attracting foreign students

22. If you are employed, you will_______.

A. not have to pay the apartment rent B. work full time

C. prepare furniture yourself D. work four months for two years

23. Where can you mostly probably read the advertisement?

A. In a telephone book. B. In a textbook

C. In a travel guide. D. In a newspaper.

Recently, I learned firsthand why it’s a bad idea to judge people prematurely (过早地).

I’m a nursing supervisor, and my job is to evaluate workers’ performances at the hospital.

Kenny was a new employee. After weeks’ probation (试用), I had to admit that he was clean, punctual and efficient.

But he had this self-assured and energetic presence. He was a large man, both physically and socially — he was independent and strong. I worried that our hospital, which demanded teamwork, was not right for such a personality.

We had a patient named Mary. At 94 years old, Mary was weak. She had outlived her husband and sisters.

Mary had an obsessive (强迫性的) belief that someone had taken her purse. She searched for it all the time. Unless tied to her wheelchair, she would go through the door onto the street mindlessly searching and never giving up. She was often sitting in her wheelchair in the hallway, where she stopped everyone who came near.

“Can you lend me a comb?” she would ask. “I’ve lost mine. It was in my red purse. Where is my purse?”

Every day it was the same. We all knew Mary didn’t have a purse, but we would answer: “Sure, if I see your purse I’ll bring it back.”

One afternoon, I saw Kenny walking down the hall with a grocery bag. He walked toward Mary in her wheelchair. He pulled out a red purse.

Mary’s old hands flew up to her face in a gesture of wonder and joy, and then flew out hungrily like a starved child taking bread. Mary grabbed the red purse. She held it for a moment, and then pressed it to her breast, rocking it like a baby.

Kenny leaned over, unzipped the purse open and showed Mary a comb inside. Tears of joy poured down Mary’s face.

Instead of paying lip service like the rest of us, Kenny had made Mary’s problem his problem. I had been wrong about Kenny.

24. The author was worried that Kenny would not be fit for his job because ________.

A. he had no working experience in medicine

B. he was too stubborn and wouldn’t listen to others’ opinions

C. his performance during the probation didn’t meet their standards

D. he had a strong, confident and independent character

25. We can learn from the article that Mary ________.

A. didn’t get along well with her husband

B. was very happy when given the purse

C. pretended that she had lost her red purse

D. asked for help in order to be taken home

26. At the end of the story, the author felt ________ about her previous evaluation of Kenny.

A. encouraged B. puzzled C. guilty D. satisfied

27. What kind of message does the author intend to convey?

A. Don’t come to a conclusion too quickly when you don’t know all the facts.

B. We should treat older people with patience and kindness.

C. Pay attention to what people do instead of what they say.

D. We can always find a teacher in another, even when we least expect it.


NANJING, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou will shake hands in their historic meeting scheduled in Singapore on Saturday, head of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said on Wednesday.

The two-part meeting includes one session open to the media and another behind closed doors, said Zhang Zhijun, who is also head of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, when interviewed at the Zijinshan Summit for Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan Strait.

According to Zhang, Xi and Ma, as "leaders of the two sides" of the Taiwan Strait, will exchange views during the closed-door meeting.

After the meeting, press conferences will be held by both sides. Later, the two leaders are expected to attend a dinner, said Zhang.

Zhang said the meeting will lift cross-Strait communication to a new high.

The landmark meeting is a breakthrough in face-to-face exchange and communication between the leaders across the Taiwan Strait after the relationship became strained following the events of 1949.

Zhang said the meeting will improve mutual trust and allow for an exchange of opinions on handling the cross-Strait ties.

In addition, the meeting will help strengthen the 1992 Consensus(识), which was reached in talks between the two sides in 1992 and recognizes the one-China principle, and safeguards the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties, according to Zhang.

Zhang added that the scheduled meeting will also benefit regional peace and stability.

Also at Wednesday's summit, Chiang Pin-kung, former chairman of the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation, hailed the upcoming meeting between the two leaders as a milestone for cross-Strait ties.

Chiang told the media that he believed the meeting will give a boost to the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties.

28. According to the article, the meeting of the two leaders will _____.

A. be held at the Zijinshan Summit for Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan Strait

B. be the first face-to-face communication between people across the Taiwan Strait

C. be all open to the media

D. improve mutual trust and benefit regional peace and development

29. Which of the following statements about the 1992 Consensus is not true?

A. It was reached in 1992.

B. It recognizes the one-China principle.

C. It is an agreement between China and Japan.

D. It safeguards the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties.

30. Which of the following can best substitute the word “hailed” in the last paragraph but one?

A. was impressed with B. sang high praise for

C. was concerned about D. got well prepared for

31. Which might be the right sequence(顺序) of the following events?

a. The two leaders shake hands in front of the media.

b. The two leaders hold press conferences.

c. The two leaders exchange views during the closed-door meeting.

d. The two leaders have dinner together.

A. a; b; c; d B. b; a; c; d

C. a; d; b; c D. a; c; b; d


The bed should be reserved as a place for sleep, but people tend to read an iPad a lot in bed before they go to sleep.

Charles Czeisler, a professor at Harvard Medical School, and his colleagues got a *all group of people for an experiment. For five days in a row, the people read either a paper book or an iPad for four hours before sleep. Their sleep patterns were monitored all night. Before and after each trial period, the people took hourly blood tests to paint a day-long picture of just how much melatonin (褪黑激素) was in their blood at any given time.

When subjects read on the iPad as compared to the paper books, they reported feeling less sleepy at night and less active the following morning. People also took longer to fall asleep on the iPad nights, and the blood tests showed that their melatonin secretion (分泌) was delayed by an hour and a half.

The researchers conclude in today's journal article that given the rise of e-readers and the increasingly widespread use of e-things among children and adolescents, more research into the long-term consequences of these devices on health and safety is urgently needed. Czeisler and colleagues go on, in the research paper, to note:“Reading an iPad in bed may increase cancer risk.”

However, software has been developed that can reduce some of the blue light from the screens of phones and computers according to time of day, and there are also glasses that are made to filter (过滤) short wavelengths. While they seem like a logical solution for the nighttime tech users, it needs more research.

32. In Charles Czeislers experiment, all the subjects were asked to______.

A. have their sleep patterns observed all night

B. sit in a row and receive the strict tests

C. read a paper book and an iPad at the same time

D. have their blood tested per hour during the trial

33. The third paragraph tells us the iPad readers were likely to____________.

A. feel less sleepy and tired in the day B. become less energetic the next morning

C. fall asleep more easily after reading D. have a lot more melatonin secretion

34. The special software recently developed can______.

A. weaken the harm done by doing nighttime e-reading

B. help prevent eyes being harmed by short wavelength

C. remove the blue light from your devices completely

D. be used in all the e-things widely and safely

35. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Wrong behaviors before bedtime B. New software for night e-readers

C. No e-reading in bed before sleep D. No games on iPad in bed

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10 分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

We all face quantities of stress in day-to-day living, whether at work, in the home, or anywhere in between. 36 Here’s how stress can help us on an everyday basis.

◆Sharpening your memory.

Did you ever notice that sometimes when you are stressed, your memory seems to improve? Remember that test you passed where the answer seemed to come out of nowhere? 37 It’s because of stress hormones (荷尔蒙) that increase your alertness when it’s most needed.

◆ 38

Successful employees turn stress into motivation. Have you ever noticed that you get the least amount of work done when you have fewest deadlines? Too little stress can affect how much you actually get done. When you take risks and choose to get over the difficulty, it improves your mental toughness and self-confidence.

◆Helping you resist the attack of illness.

39 Believe it or not, the right kind of stress can help your body’s defenses against illness. When you get sick, stress causes you to make hormones that battle threats to your health. That burst of stress is helpful to your immune system when your body faces a threat.

◆Making your life more interesting.

Think about some stressful situation that we consciously put ourselves in to make life more interesting and enjoyable, like asking someone out on a first date, conquering a known fear, or learning something new. These may not immediately come to mind when you think of stress because of the positive outcomes. 40

A. You need a healthy immune system to help fight off diseases.

B. But handled properly, stress can have many benefits for the body and mind.

C. Helping you get an advantage at work.

D. That’s one way your brain responds to stress.

E. This will happen whenever you are stressed.

F. But they’re the types that can help you achieve fulfillment and happiness.

G. Helping you get through difficult times.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡该项涂黑。

Pooja Dhingra should have been a lawyer. But while studying 41 at university in Mumbai, she decided to quit her major and to something more 42 .

Remembering helping her mother in the 43 during her childhood, she decided to work with food instead of legal cases. So she 44 her parents to let her go to study cooking.

One day, her friends took her to one of the best macaron(杏仁小圆饼)shops in Paris. After just one 45 , Ms Dhingra determined that when she 46 to Mumbai she would open her own macaron store, the first of its kind in India.

Upon graduation, she started 47 macarons in her parents' kitchen, but it was a complete 48 .The hot and wet weather in Mumbai made it 49 to make delicious cakes. After 60 failed 50 , she finally got an ideal recipe.

51 being both young and female meant she faced additional 52 ."The biggest problem was to get people to take you 53 .” she tells us. "For example, 54 I had to buy machinery, I would have to ask my father to make these calls for me. "

However, she 55 opened her first shop in 2010. To 56 sales in a city where very few people knew what a macaron was, Ms Dhingra 57 free samples to customers. The cakes were immediately popular, and sales soon took off thanks to the 58 evaluation. Now, Ms Dhingra is the 59 of three busy macaron shops. She has planned to 60 her business across the country. One newspaper article called her "the macaron queen of India" .

41. A. design B. literature C. law D. medicine

42. A. effective B. confident C. enthusiastic D. creative

43. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. study D. basement

44. A. convinced B. warned C. forgave D. reminded

45. A. bite B. effort C. breath D. drink

46. A. replied B. returned C. traveled D. walked

47. A. eating B. bringing C. making D. selling

48. A. comfort B. failure C. honor D. success

49. A. appealing B. difficult C. *ooth D. available .

50. A. attempts B. assumptions C. statements D. competences

51. A. Even B. Still C. Yet D. Just

52. A. challenges B. sacrifices C. tasks D. praises

53. A. slightly B. seriously C. pleasantly D. peacefully

54. A. unless B. after C. though D. if

55. A. unwillingly . B. suddenly C. eagerly D. eventually

56. A. check B. ban C. promote D. decrease

57. A. gave away B. *oothed away C. cleared away D. put away

58. A. negative B. plain C. positive D. critical

59. A. owner B. inventor C. driver D. customer

60. A. protect B. sell C. abandon D. expand


第三部分 英语知识运用

第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Waiting for a bus can be very 61 (annoy). Often you 62 (be) at the bus stop for half an hour, and the bus still hasn’t come. 63 , people in Zhongshan, Guangdong don’t have to suffer this. It’s all because of a mobile APP, Zhongshan Real-time Buses. With the APP, people can find out the exact time a bus arrives and set an alarm to remind 64 to go to the bus stop in time.

Five Senior 1 students make the APP possible. At first, they just wanted to add or change bus lines to help make it 65 (easy) for students at their school to take buses. But later, they wanted to make something that is 66 (benefit) to all the people of Zhongshan. 67 (get) technical support, the team turned to the local public transportation group company. They carried out three surveys by collecting questionnaires 68 are completed by about 600 people in shopping malls and bus stops. “The work took 69 almost all of our spare time for four months,” said Su Yinan, 16.

On Feb 25, Zhongshan Real-time Buses was born. It now covers over 100 bus lines in the city and has been downloaded more than 60,000 times. The project won the first place on the Fifth National High School Students Leadership Convention this summer.

“We are very happy that Zhongshan people are using the results of our efforts,”said Chen, “Students can also make a big difference 70 society.”

第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分35分)

第一节短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文*有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号, 并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last weekend, I helped my grandparents with their trip to the Dalian. In Saturday morning, together with my grandparents, I search the Internet for the train schedule, the weather in Dalian, and some hotel informations. In the afternoon, they went to the train station and managed to buy two tickets for my grandparents although there had a long queue. After dinner, I packed the things into the suitcase, what my grandparents would need, such as clothes, glasses, an umbrella, a map. The next morning, I went to the station to see them off. Waved goodbye to them on the platform, I felt happily for them and wished them a safe journey.

笫二节 书面表达(满分25分)







3.开头语和结束语已为你写好 (不计入总词数)。

提示词汇:文化交流周:Cultural Exchange Week

Dear Kelly,

I’ve been back home safely from England. _______________________________________


Welcome to China when it’s convenient for you!


Li Hua


第一部分 听力(共两节, 20 x 1.5=30分)

1-5 BCABA 6-10 ABCBC 11-15 BCACA 16-20 BACBC

第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 20 x 2=40分)

21-23 BAD 24-27 DBCA 28-31 DCBD 32-35 ABAC 36-40 BDCAF

41-45 CDBAA 46-50 BCBBA 51-55 CABDD 56-60 CACAD

第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)

61.annoying 62.have been 63.However 64.themselves 65.easier 66.beneficial 67.To get 68.that/which 69.up 70.to

第四部分 写作

第一节 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

Last weekend, I helped my grandparents with their trip to the Dalian. In Saturday morning, together with my grandparents, I search the Internet for the train schedule, the weather in Dalian, and some hotel informations. In the afternoon, they went to the train station and managed to buy two tickets for my grandparents although there had a long queue. After dinner, I packed the things into the suitcase, what my grandparents would need, such as clothes, glasses, an umbrella, a map. The next morning, I went to the station to see them off. Waved goodbye to them on the platform, I felt happily for them and wished them a safe journey.

1. 去掉the 2. In(On 3. search(searched 4.informations( information

5. they(I 6. had(was 7. what(which 8. ∧a(and a

9.Waved(Waving 10. happily(happy

笫二节 书面表达(满分25分)

One possible version

Dear Kelly,

I’ve been back home safely from England. Thank you for the warm help during my stay in England.

Last week, I participated in the Cultural Exchange Week. I enjoyed myself in your country. We visited the city museum and some places of interest, which made me have a better understanding of the English society, culture and history. Of course, I also made many new friends.

What’s more, I was lucky enough to stay at your home. And I’ll never forget the days we spent together. Here I especially thank you for the dictionary you offered me as a gift. It’s a great help for me to learn English well. I will treasure and make full use of it.

Welcome to China when it’s convenient for you!


Li Hua









